Sunday, February 10, 2008

Its hard to accept oneself's follies but easy to criticise others !!

Isn't it right?
We always find so easy to find follies with people, to criticize them even many time when they in noways, associated to your life, but that's quite human to find faults with others, then y its divine to improve on your follies?. I really hate this kinda people ..
Y can't people just admit to their mistakes and try to improve? Y can't they learn that its human to err, and its very much the human who can improve by learning lessons from his own mistakes?
When you mistake initially, there will be couple of wise men around who will criticize you for your wrong done and advise you to improve, but oh poor , the more wise you, you were busy enough to discard that and to prove that you were never wrong. Good job you did by turning the people around you not to advise anymore and thereby cutting down your path to improve. These wise men, now no longer are wise for you and instead of feeling to be fool by advising, they just ignore your mistakes and move ahead in life. In long run, TIME, the almighty teaches you in a harder way the same lesson and the same wise men were brought into picture again as a mock viewer of the show enjoying every bit of it !! Do you really wanna be one of that fool or the wise men?
Well, The phrase I believe, and I swear, this is for and with everyone that I find around, "be open to criticism". This gives you an opportunity to learn not for the current mistake but any forthcoming ones too. you can never be perfect , neither those wise men, but the mutual exchange of intellect can help you improve upon. It leaves you not with embarassment but with a goodwill of being a learner and listener !!
As is rightly said by someone, Always have the enthusiasm to do things like a fresher in the job, so that you never cut your scope to train yourself, to build yourself.
Well, This was followed by Gandhiji , this is followed by those wise men, and this should be practised universally, to really overcome many of our worries!!
Lets try to be as quick as a hare keeping the wisdom of the tortoise intact :-)