Monday, September 29, 2008

Idiosyncrasy- Those typical ways !

Well the idea to write about this subject clicked when I came across this word. I liked this word, more for its elaborated meaning and I eventually decided to write something down.

I observe people, I try to understand them and then make them understand me by exercising a mutual bond. This habit of mine has led me come in close contact with so many people and rarely have I seen similarity between any two of them. Every one has their own typical ways to act, react, argue, admit, criticise, admire, love, fight, and live.
Some of them are very remarkable in their ways and leave an impression and you start identifying them by their habits and not by names.

One of this way was of a person whom I met and could not stop falling in love with. This person has a great listening capabilities and would hardly ever display his emotions. He resorts to letters or mail to get his word of mouth and always expects that others will understand him without being asked for. Well he is famous in his circles of friends and rightly so. He is like a kid whose mom takes care of him for everything and also loves him the most. However, sometimes you cannot live up to his expectation as spoken words takes the precedence and you break his heart and yours in turn. This has taken time for me to learn and implement and now I no longer need him to make me understand what he needs.

A second personality comes in mind is of a person who never shows his emotions and never even want others to know what he is going through. He is a friend of himself and do not want anyone to enter his personal circle of trust. However, he breaks down sometimes and then resorts to those with the personality of showing trust and love and thereby he confesses his guilt, his setbacks and his desires. I like to be on the receiving end of these traits but could not admire them completely more to my belief of living life in my way.

A third one is of the person who is friend to some, enemy to few, and unknown to many. He likes occasional visits of limelight but still want to keep himself bounded to the circle of few trust worthies. One takes times to enter his circle of trust and when entered can be there forever without much efforts.

Fourth one is of an anthropologist, He loves mankind and is there to help others always. He does not need any motivation of personal interest to serve others. He, however irritates his own near ones as they grow the belief of losing him gradually. He, however is shallow from the within and takes this service as a way of gaining confidence within as he has lost it quite early. I feel pity on them since it is not luck but their own acts which has led them to do so.

A fifth one is of a person who is there just to influence others by either taming them or by loving them. Actually this comprises of two traits, those who tame them forcefully and those with love. I shun those people who take wicked means to come on top, and want to remain away from them as much as possible. Also ,they are the ones who actually come across many setbacks and when they get a chance want to come on top of everything and everyone who come across. The sub category of those who use love as a means to influence others are the one whom everyone loves in return. These are people who are average in intelligence but are hard workers and without any selfish interest loves others and do charity. It is in their habit to help others in need and thereby gets lot of acclaim from many others.
A sixth and quite similar to the 5-b described above is of the person who believes words are better spoken when required in the beginning of any relationship and not when you secured the one. He helps to most, cares for many and loves to some and expects the same in return. He is a family guy and is loved by all. He is an ideal person to take to your family and also is a must in your circle to get a shoulder to cry upon and to get an ear to pour your heart out. However , the setback with this trait is they expect returns. These are hence not a very easy maintenance category.

Some of other traits are :
Intelligent but not gaudy - They earn the title of Guru and are the ideal ones.
Intelligent and gaudy- They are enforced with the title of Guru and people take benefit of them by resorting to them in need.
Accommodating- Everyone is welcomed and served. Likes to be served as well. Should have people with these traits in ur circle to enjoy time
Foolish and Gaudy- Enjoy these traits, they are the best time pass.
Foolish and hardworking- Pity on these, help them come to speed.

I believe I fall in the sixth and 5-b category and I keep trying to get the assets of 1st category.