Wednesday, October 17, 2007

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A Comma...Isn't that what you feel with your life sometimes !!
A comma signifies a temporary destination- n rest assured I m not going to be a philosopher here explaining you the meaning of life....but think twice before reading this any further...R u at this juncture of your life now? or you already bypassed it, If you did , then I must read your blogs..else you can mine

I am not going to show you the different ways of pushing oneself in this ocean of tides and ebbs so as to keep sailing in the ship of life, m just going to put forth few of my life's commas and how did I manage to overcome them, if not fully then at least to a second comma from the first- After all life isn't itself a big comma ?

well to begin with, I will take you to my college days where almost everyone fell in love, n so did my friend...oops I never said this to ny1 that she fell in love with me more because I treated it as a comma only..I never wanted to make it a full stop and so I never committed but that first personal comma of my life made me feel gr8, it invigorated that new feeling of love and once I tasted that sweet taste of it , I cud never stop myself to love someone. Isn't that all of u do too? well that is how I can survive and so do u !!

Well second comma of mine happened with my best friend, who's still my best friend - who says, love losts, it never, it only translates !!!
But that was another comma, teaching me how to fall in love and keep sailing even without making it yours, making some pain as a habit..Difficult, isn't it? , Yeah I know..u also have crossed one of those commas , then whats new in it !!
Well nothing new , its just a memory book which will take you to your own old days with pride of you surviving still !!

A third big comma of mine happened 3 years ago and I am still stuck at it. This is again love , not with someone else but my roomie, my dude..He is my bro, he is my strength when I am down....But m confused, should I treat it as a comma, or something else - a full stop !!
Wat answer you get when you have to chose between a comma and a full stop?
well I chose to make it a semicolon ;
Don't laugh..this isn't a joke, it is in fact true..sometimes this is very much required to keep moving !!

well, having faced 3 big commas of love, I now decided not to fell in its trap anymore & the moment I decided to do it, I found myself in a new comma of life in a foreign country with life defining an all new meaning of comma..The void of not having dear ones, the eagerness to meet them again, the strange behavior of new people around, it was all different but I was anxious to see beyond this, cos I knew it gonna be a temporary situation !! Time has come to cross this comma too, but this is not the end of it, there are many more to come, and there are many more lessons to learn !!

Enjoy till then while sailing

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