Saturday, June 21, 2008

Nostalgia !

Wat has happened to me, I am not the same Vikas any more !!
I can't focus on work, in fact don't feel like working anymore, just wanna take a long vacation and enjoy life as it is. I lost my concentration from so many things including writing, sports & even friends..Man I am lost..............

India trip was so beautiful but after that nothing has remain the same as I left it before. Life's killing me here in US with all new faces..Time keeps on rolling without much of personal development. I m just not liking it and feeling as if I am lost..

I do not know what to do when I come from office, I do not know whom to talk to when I m down. I think I m missing someone very dearly. Am I missing all those dear ones whom I left for my own sake? I decided long ago that I will never miss them, or at least I would pretend not to, then why I m not able to do so now. Why am I feeling nostalgic?
Why am I craving for the best times spent back in India rather than enjoying the fruits of US? Why am I longing for my fiancee, my parents and my friend??

Its human to miss and long. It is that psychological behavior of human mind that leaves impression of better times more distinct than not so better. And under those longing times the logical part of mind is overtaken by the emotional part and results in agony and pain of missing someone dear. These are the times when if someone or something tries to come near by showing warmth and love, can easily enter the circle of trust. Also, these are the times when one can be easily uprooten and taken advantage of.

Well, the best thing to do in these times is resort to old trusted friends than making any new commitments. Also, try to do things that you like apart form talking to dear ones. Its kinda jet lag which takes its own time to go.

I m sure with all these facts known to me, I will surely be over this sooner than later, However, I hope that I never have to depart from my loved ones anymore ever !

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