Sunday, October 19, 2008

The XAM Consternation

For a person who has always been phenomenal at studies and cracking exams, it was quite an absurd to think about consternation for exams. But when you will take a deeper look on the psychology of such a person, it is the one who has the maximum fear of it. The reason is quite simple, more you are aware of the potential roadblocks in the success, more you assess them for failure and in the process increase your fear for the things that may not happen in reality. However, in my case I do analyze all the situations with utmost importance to its probability of occurrence also, but I really find it as a challenge to prove myself when such a calamity occurs and I put my max efforts therein to come out as a winner
Well, a similar kind of scenario happened to me when I went to give GMAT. It was a sunny day with no chance of any thunderstorms, or heavy rains at all. I had to reach 30 min prior to the exam time of 4:30 pm on a Friday. Quite satisfied with the timings I chose for the exam, I decided to start from home at 2 pm for a 10 mile trip to Pearson exam Center. While commuting by GA 400 freeway, the Google estimated a total time of 23 min. I still thought of taking 30 minutes as was wondering what I will do reaching so early to the center. Still I did not wanted to spend my time at home doing nothing as I stopped studying a day back itself and was doing office work till 1:30 pm.

I had my lunch at 1, took a shower and got dressed up by 2, started at 2:15 pm from home. I borrowed GPS navigator from one of my friend to make sure that I reach proper destination. With excitement in my mind of cracking it and to get a good score, at least the one I used to get in mocks, I pressed Gas and the 2008 Honda civic was on the roads. I also was thinking about all the times I will enjoy after giving the exam as I was out of reach of dear ones for quite a week now, Also was in my mind, my friend who has come down from NC to stay with me for some time and today being his first day, I should have been with him more than any other day. In 5 minutes, I was on GA 400 freeway heading south for Dunwoody.

I entered the freeway from exit 11 and barely reached exit 10 wherein I noticed the brakes sign of every car in front of me. I was amazed and also was concerned with such a heavy traffic on the road with no car driving at more than 10 mph. eventually the speed kept decreasing with every yard and the vehicle got to a halt at around exit 9, me being in the right most lanes. The sirens of Ambulance, Police cabs and Fire Brigade were the next to come. The Doppler effect of the same came to a stationary level at a distance of around 1 mile from where I was. I sensed some kind of accident ahead and thought of it as a temporary situation. With all high hopes on US police capabilities of clearing the scene quickly, I checked my watch which showed 2:45 pm. With 7.5 more miles to go according to GPS and more than 1.5 hours in hand, I was easing out and tuned the radio to hip-hops. The wait time kept on increasing and now it was 3:15 and I could see the signs for exit 8 around 500 meters away.

Although was quite hesitant to take to state roads, I decided to give this a try since there was no movement yet on freeway and also I had my navigator with me to help me out with the directions. I drank some water and adeptly crossed 3 lanes and came in exit lane. The road was full of thousands of others like me and the situation looked worse here with a traffic signal at every half a mile on average. Struggling to reach on time, I kept trying whatever I could. I also tried to keep checking with my GPS navigator about shortest distance/ fastest time etc options but with no success. The final distance on the state route has increased from 7 miles now to 8 miles. I also tried with all my analytical capabilities to understand roads, which no doubt is good, and I successfully was able to commute for 1 mile on a deserted road parallel to the crowded street. But I eventually had to merge with the main street of Alpharetta highway/State route 9 and could not help myself but wait. I also, in my efforts to reach on time and to avoid traffic, took myself in every mall which had an exit opening even after 100 meters; this helped me save few but precious minutes. At this time I told myself, that it is really my time, the stage is all set for me to prove myself. I already got the challenging situation to prove myself. The exam more than anything else needed concentration of mind, and this incidence of today was more than enough for anyone to shatter the confidence.

Eventually at 4:15 pm, I was still 6 miles away from my exam center and in desperation called my friend who advised me to connect to the center and let them know of my situation. This was a wise advice and I followed it immediately. The guy who responded was quite calm and listened to me patiently and confirmed my admission if I reach the center by 5, and will have to decide at the time only if I reach after 5 pm. I assured myself that I can reach now and can make it before 5 for sure. I drove for 15 more minutes and crossed around 1 mile on that busy road. By luck or by chance, I could see now an open road ahead and I just could not stop myself pressing thru gas as hard as I could. The Civic float like air on that open road and I could just feel that excitement again. At 4:35, I was at my destination according to GPS; however I could not find the center anywhere. In the despair, I asked a guy to help me out but he was apparently new to the place as well. I again checked my navigator and this time it told me to drive 1 more mile. I was disappointed with the performance of the machine but eventually consoled myself saying after all that is bound to make some error. At 4:40 , I was in the parking and rushed to the building, As was in a hurry, instead of checking the directions to the center, I thought it wise to ask a lady who was just passing by, she took me to the directory and guided me for the 5th floor. At 4:45, I was in center and in front of the receptionist, believing I really made it and now it is on me to make this a worthwhile day.

I am not sure how many times I drove the new Honda Civic on the curb today, I am not sure how many times luck favored me today, I am not sure whether my decision of taking it to a state road was good or not, but as it turned out at the end, I did everything on time and was out with flying colors. It was truly the Neophyte's serendipity that I observed for myself today.

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