Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My 1st Car

Nissan Maxima GLE..A 1999 model built for luxury segment..with integrated Bose Speakers, Sun/ moon roof and a V6 engine..that describes my first car..
I bought it exactly a month ago on Feb 13th..from a dealer in Cleveland. i liked this car at the first instant itself and so did my wife..We r happy that we got this misty silver coloured car as our first car..
As one month has passed by driving this car, I have noticed few things about it..
First is, the mileage is close to about 22 miles per gallon, which is good for any car..
Second, the bose speakers are a great asset..they have made the experience of music so enchanting that I sometimes just like to sit in car without driving ..just to listen to my fav tunes..

Also, today I got my permanent tag and put it on my car.. I feel contented that its mine..

The Lost Symbol

After going through Da vinci code, Deception pt, Angels & Demons and Digital fortress, I took this newly and much awaited Brown fiction - The Lost Symbol..
The title was initially kept to be The Solomon key as it is something that the Harvard professor tries to get to unveil a lost symbol..
Well, whether it has been referred to a symbol or word or key or ancient mysteries or knowledge of wisdom etc. it is not at all lost. And that is something which as an anxious reader left me disappointed at the end.
This book is around 520 pages long and I must say the initial 450 pages or so are really enthrilling..Only after reading these pages when the secret is no longer there, you feel sometimes wasting your time in even finishing the book more because finally what it reveals is nothing compared to what was expected of and what the initial plot tried to built of.
Brown, as always is never short of science, cryptography, religion and chase in building the thriller and is a good teaser to the rational brains. I like mostly those parts wherein the pyramid is deciphered and that alone can make this book must read.
However, If this is your first Brown literature, will advise not to rate him from this book. He has done marvel ( if few details are overlooked while reading) in his previous works...
Will still advise to have a crack at this work for its vivid description of Washington DC and what lies buried in the capitol city of US..

(P.S. - Since the first part involved a large amount of problem solving and teaser to a curious brain, try to read it in one sitting ..I could not and whenever I tried to.. had to sacrifice on my time with my wife..read much of this after I made her sleep :-)