Monday, January 26, 2009

Book Review : Digital Fortress

1 more science fiction by Dan Brown , which I thought of reading with my brains aside and thinking as If I am Science freshman and Dan, a professor.

Cryptography, when was in my engineering fascinated me as it is such a vast field full of challenges. You design one code and the moment later someone breaks it. It is all about permutation n combination and there is never an attempt short not to break one. However, I also believed that if the code is dynamic, it will be difficult to break and the same is emphasized in this sci-fi fiction. However, up to the expectation, Brown has tried to exaggerate to make his point clear, but it is fair to do so in a fiction. So let me give you a glimpse of this book, and by the way I liked it.

This time I am not going to write a book review of the story here with the exact characters and the plot, However will let you know a brief gist of the same.

NSA, the National Security wing of American Govt, possess a very big deciphering machine called TRANSLTR which can possibly encrypt any code by going through multiple iterations ( a value large enough per second) to get a result in considerable time. However when a code comes which is convoluted and dynamic and keeps the giant m/c busy for hours together and puts everyone of the great minds on alarm. Who has written that code, What is that suppose to serve, How can one write such a code which cannot be cracked even by TRANSLTR, all these questions come in mind of NSA director and her gorgeously described cryptographic whiz. Also somewhere in Europe is a death scene of some Asian named Ensei Tankando believed to had a fatal stroke in a public park runs parallel. The Asian is none but a key part of NSA who resigned and later on came to be known as the master mind behind the unbreakable code called Digital Fortress. A professor, who supposedly the boy friend of the whiz lady at NSA is sent to get the passcode for digital fortress from any clue or belongings left in Spain post death of the Japanese mastermind.
There are many people behind the code from multinationals to govt, but NSA has everything at stake to possess it or destroy it. Is that really Ensei who wanted to revenge on NSA who created this with destructive aim or is there someone else involved.

This pseudo sci-fi tale leads into a political trail to a bloody trail. There are good twists, some unrealistic but exciting. Enjoy the story with a touch of humor and fiction and a non science mindset. You will like it if you like the genre of mystery trail.

That's it from my end on Dan brown for this time. I have now read every one of his famous books and waiting for the next release - ' The Solomon Key'

Till then,

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