Saturday, January 10, 2009

Some thoughts

When I was in a state of toiling hard for myself, in a proces to understand myself, I learnt few things from the time I was passing in, and penned down them.
Sharing the same now, when I realize its importance even more

-> When life seems a tough job, add some excitement to it by adding some anticipation; This would go a long way in making it worth living.

-> My today is so good, I fear what the tomorrow would be like !!

-> Don't crave for anybody or anything, it makes you a slave of circumstances, rather make others crave for you, it will make you a master of your destiny.

-> Feel proud for accompilshing your duties but never let other sense your dedication for them as it may lose your self respect.

-> Silence should be practiced more as it makes you feel others in a better way.

-> When you feel that nobody cares for you, then understand that time has come that you care for yourself quitting the job of doing for others.

-> People will love you only if you love yourself.

-> Practice flattery often, that is the best way to attract people towards you and find your way out of the troubles else criticism will kill you.

-> Love and keep on loving amidst all the circumstances, it will give you good results some later than sooner.

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