Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2011- A year, I hope can be the turning point !!

I m back after a good long gap of around 10 months..Well this time passed away so fast. It did not give me a single moment to look back and breathe. And now I am exhausted fully and want to take a break !!

A break from my daily routine, a change of thought, something different, something unusual..
Hope this new year brings new and good changes to my life.. I am all geared up now to change !!

The year although has not begun at a very great note,
In the first month itself, I had some personal setbacks, some professional too. But is it the background of something big that is shaping up ? I hope so !!
Make me more frustrated of my current situation, it will lead my lethargic soul to move and conquer those new ventures which I can but haven't yet !!

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