Wednesday, October 17, 2007


When God made man, he always knew, that he will be alone without a companion
And then he made friend, n since then ,man is no more sad and is smiling always !!

Well, this text describes my definition and experience of what a Friend is all about
There is no concept of a good friend or a bad friend, Friends are only Good, better and best !! & for ppl like me ,its only best, Although I learnt this quite late after making differences between my friends owing to different characters I came across !!
Anyways, Lets begin
Since childhood was quite influenced by people around & thereby coming across so many of these homo sapiens in life, am touched in one way or another
Every person has his/her own distinguished qualities and leaves an aroma of friendship which lasts forever !!
Some made me feel gr8, some I felt were gr8ful after meeting me, some left an everlasting impression on my mind with their loving and caring nature and on someone's I left my thumbprints. Someone who are now so much into my life that I can never think of separating with, and someone I think can never separate from me.
All of these inspired me and taught me in someway or the other and the best thing I learnt is A Thumb Rule of friendship which is: 'Give without expectations' and the one who knows this can master his life
Well , like many others, I am good at giving, but when it comes to expecting, m an exception,my nature led me not to stop it which just asks for worries for myself and I started loosing my dear ones.
My darling friends who loved me for my kind and caring nature started ignoring me for my possessive and interfering nature. I became a burden to friendship and was started to be overlooked, That was one of the most testing times of my friendship and I learnt some hard lessons even harder way, I was just not ready to believe that I m wrong with my way of friendship, though eventually I did !!
Having learnt all those lessons,I am cautious enough not to enter into anyone's personal circle of life and also not to expect much from anyone in life not even from the life partner. Everyone has his/her own limitations and patience is the key factor in any relationship, If you can follow this too, you gonna live a healthy friendly life forever, I swear

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Truly true...friends are the best part of life...and few of them leave such imprints..that it really sometimes seems tough without them and their absence create a void in life...though i learnt it harder way..but treasured them more after being apart from them, sometimes even for a year or two!!!!