Sunday, November 25, 2007

Neophyte's Serendipity

The Alchemist introduced me to this phrase and I believe every bit of it.

If you are wondering what Neophyte's serendipity means - Beginner's luck.
Everything in life has a beginning and many things in life go unfinished as one can't be enthusiast till the end. But a good beginning always increases the chances of ending gracefully. And to get good beginning , one needs luck to favor him at least initially.
To cite few examples, lets start with the petite Gambling experience of mine in a casino at LV. I was hesitant to play, but wanted to try my luck, started playing and here I go. I bet for 1$ in a slot machine and in jsut 30 seconds, earned 12.5 $ and decided to quit just to make me feel that this really is what I have won. I really did, and all subsequent chances of mine resulted in loss and i eventually lost more than 25$.
Another example is of trading in Stocks, the scrips I took , gave me good returns in the beginning and to realize some early profits, I did book some profit, but then greed overtook me and I thought of waiting and see my profits grow and then at an appropriate time sell the lot.
It took me more than 3 years to get the initial profits again and I eventually sold it for lesser profit. But the early luck did put me in the game and I m still playing it ..
There can be many other examples to cite but the essence is play the game to win it ( or lose it and to decide that you are not meant for this game) and to get that early motive, the serendipty plays an important role.
Get into the game and you will surely see favor following you.

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