Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Family Matters !!

Of course it does and more when you are not near !!
Can't think of surviving one day without talking to at least 1 of my dear ones..
Life's all about family, making relationships and maintaining them, I am very much a social being, may be unlike many others of my age in this part of the world.
I am away from my home, from my dear ones, the ones for whom I can die , for whom I cherish to be always near me but still I am not alone. I understood the importance of having people ( preferably good) around quite well at an early stage in my life and I' ve thereby made a bunch of friends everywhere I went. These friends have been my family away from my family and have supported me quite well and have made every moment enjoyable.

Initially, I needed them, I was dependent on them, I was like a new born baby who started growing and learning and now after being an integral part of them, I am kinda self dependent so as to make myself worthy for my family. Its a feeling of being a family head, who needs to be integral but at the same time be able to virtuous enough to support everyone else in the family. I like when my parents feel proud of me, I love when my relatives look upon me as someone to inspire from, I feel great when my friends feel to come to me to share their sorrows and happiness and I feel responsible when my siblings put trust in me for everything they own. It has been a remarkable journey till date on personal front, a loving wife, a caring family, an amazing friend cum bro and a bunch of excellent friends.. What else you can ask for !!

I now have goals to achieve for my family, to make them proud. I've something to aspire for outside the personal relations now, since the relations I have cultivated will always be there with me. I m sure of it..
Lets give this new change in me, this self realization , my best shot and rise high from this superb foundation, I've laid out for myself,

Lovez' life or vice versa?

Lovez life or Lifez love, well a question that I do not have any boolean answer to..
I rather now believe both are one and the same, unless I come across some1 who can change tihs perception of mine.
I believe, one cannot survive without loving, without sharing anything and everything he/ she owns. Everyone need someone to talk to, someone to listen to, someone to complaint to, and someone to complaint for..

A pair of eyes to watch you
while you find yourself;
A hand to tap the back,
whenever you succeed;
A pair of legs to follow,
on the path of good and God;
A chick to touch and pamper,
to show that you care for;
A lock of hair to curl,
to feel the warmth when you sleep;
A touch of lips on lips,
to say you can die for;
A forehead to kiss,
to wish good luck in all endeavors;
A shoulder to cry upon,
when eyes full of pearls;
A belly to touch and feel,
the life you gave within;
A hand to hold,
to share the journey of life;
A heart to pour out,
and sink every grief of yours
A mouth to say that,
I love you

Lovez really the life and lifez nothing without love...
So all you friends, Love and let love = Live and let live !!

Desirez Unlimited..

I have desires, they are strong
I kept them hidden for so long
I was frightened by the failures
and lived to fulfil dreams of others
Never thought of living up to my own
To get the glory and endorse the crown
I was shy, I was lame
I thought of showing myself to others as a shame
I realise now I realize it hard
This is my life, I shall play my card
Only when I play and win the toss
Will be worthy then to possess
Some may reap me benefits, some loss
The path but will surely take me to the moses.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Things happen and they happen for a reason. But I wonder why they happen at the first place, at least those things which I do not like.
Why I have to separate from my dear ones?
Why I have to listen to rubbish of my boss?
Why do I lose enthusiasm to do what I do not like to, and at the first place, why do I have to do things I do not like to..
I sometimes feel would I have done something differently which would have changed the course of things and would not have lead me to a point where I have to ask myself Why?
There are many things actually that I think I could have done or not done, but Did I knew their outcomes at that time ? No, in most cases No..So why am I irritating myself asking this question? I chose this path cos I wanted to be on this path, and now If there are some thorns on it, then I need to bear them and should be patience enough to reach the end of it. And which path would not have any thorns on it, none.. A ride will never be a smooth , there always will be some bumps and actually those bumps only will make the smooth part of ride worthy to be enjoyed.
So, here I console myself saying, Whatever happens, happen for a reason and whatever I chose to do, I should start it and work till I finish so as not to repent of not doing it at least.

Neophyte's Serendipity

The Alchemist introduced me to this phrase and I believe every bit of it.

If you are wondering what Neophyte's serendipity means - Beginner's luck.
Everything in life has a beginning and many things in life go unfinished as one can't be enthusiast till the end. But a good beginning always increases the chances of ending gracefully. And to get good beginning , one needs luck to favor him at least initially.
To cite few examples, lets start with the petite Gambling experience of mine in a casino at LV. I was hesitant to play, but wanted to try my luck, started playing and here I go. I bet for 1$ in a slot machine and in jsut 30 seconds, earned 12.5 $ and decided to quit just to make me feel that this really is what I have won. I really did, and all subsequent chances of mine resulted in loss and i eventually lost more than 25$.
Another example is of trading in Stocks, the scrips I took , gave me good returns in the beginning and to realize some early profits, I did book some profit, but then greed overtook me and I thought of waiting and see my profits grow and then at an appropriate time sell the lot.
It took me more than 3 years to get the initial profits again and I eventually sold it for lesser profit. But the early luck did put me in the game and I m still playing it ..
There can be many other examples to cite but the essence is play the game to win it ( or lose it and to decide that you are not meant for this game) and to get that early motive, the serendipty plays an important role.
Get into the game and you will surely see favor following you.