Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Lovez' life or vice versa?

Lovez life or Lifez love, well a question that I do not have any boolean answer to..
I rather now believe both are one and the same, unless I come across some1 who can change tihs perception of mine.
I believe, one cannot survive without loving, without sharing anything and everything he/ she owns. Everyone need someone to talk to, someone to listen to, someone to complaint to, and someone to complaint for..

A pair of eyes to watch you
while you find yourself;
A hand to tap the back,
whenever you succeed;
A pair of legs to follow,
on the path of good and God;
A chick to touch and pamper,
to show that you care for;
A lock of hair to curl,
to feel the warmth when you sleep;
A touch of lips on lips,
to say you can die for;
A forehead to kiss,
to wish good luck in all endeavors;
A shoulder to cry upon,
when eyes full of pearls;
A belly to touch and feel,
the life you gave within;
A hand to hold,
to share the journey of life;
A heart to pour out,
and sink every grief of yours
A mouth to say that,
I love you

Lovez really the life and lifez nothing without love...
So all you friends, Love and let love = Live and let live !!

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