Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Family Matters !!

Of course it does and more when you are not near !!
Can't think of surviving one day without talking to at least 1 of my dear ones..
Life's all about family, making relationships and maintaining them, I am very much a social being, may be unlike many others of my age in this part of the world.
I am away from my home, from my dear ones, the ones for whom I can die , for whom I cherish to be always near me but still I am not alone. I understood the importance of having people ( preferably good) around quite well at an early stage in my life and I' ve thereby made a bunch of friends everywhere I went. These friends have been my family away from my family and have supported me quite well and have made every moment enjoyable.

Initially, I needed them, I was dependent on them, I was like a new born baby who started growing and learning and now after being an integral part of them, I am kinda self dependent so as to make myself worthy for my family. Its a feeling of being a family head, who needs to be integral but at the same time be able to virtuous enough to support everyone else in the family. I like when my parents feel proud of me, I love when my relatives look upon me as someone to inspire from, I feel great when my friends feel to come to me to share their sorrows and happiness and I feel responsible when my siblings put trust in me for everything they own. It has been a remarkable journey till date on personal front, a loving wife, a caring family, an amazing friend cum bro and a bunch of excellent friends.. What else you can ask for !!

I now have goals to achieve for my family, to make them proud. I've something to aspire for outside the personal relations now, since the relations I have cultivated will always be there with me. I m sure of it..
Lets give this new change in me, this self realization , my best shot and rise high from this superb foundation, I've laid out for myself,

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