Thursday, April 23, 2009

1 minute Manager

A manager is a person who manages every aspect of a business and its stakeholders. Such a person cannot be a task oriented only since it will create a hostile environment within his people. At the same time, a people person may not extract the work out from his team in the most effective manner. What is a perfect manager like then? Well, this is the dilemma of the author of the One minute manager. In search of a manager who is loved by the sub ordinates for good management style as well as by the supervisors for obtaining results, the author wanders through many corporations and cities and his search ends in a person who is described as follows:

He is a person who does not likes to tell people what they need to think, he tells people what needs to be done, and leaves on them to work out the plan. Of course, he closely monitors the execution in the initial phase so as to get confidence in the plan.
He does not believe in micro management, but he likes to still keep himself aware of the happenings around him on personal as well as professional front.
He likes to set 1 minute goals, the goals which can be listed on paper in a very little time and which enlists the major work areas to focus on. Once a week, he likes to check the progress of his subordinates by having a meeting with them, one on one.
He likes to do 1 minute praising of his people when they do something right and more when it comes at an early stage of the project. This sets his people align towards his common goal and then he does not have to worry much on their progress since they will b self motivated.
He also likes to do 1 minute scoldings when he finds people not working as expected out of them. he also makes a point that it comes at an early stage and gives the right message as in he scolds the work and not the person. Also, he helps the person find the right way and motivates him to do right.
He also likes touch therapy which helps him to give an extra edge in understanding people and vice-versa. By giving 1 minute touch, People get a sense of his being with them at any time.
He believes in doing 1 minute appraisal thereby giving clear idea to his team to focus on the final goal.

In short, he is a person who puts faith in his team and closely monitors them without going into the specifics of micro management, and also giving enough doses of appreciation and scoldings wherever and whenever necessary, thereby motivating his people working for him and working for the common goal.

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