Friday, April 17, 2009

Pas de deux

Neither thou become worthy,
Nor great by a mere act-
Of sacrifice & love for those
For whom anyways would have
Thou be such though,
Suffering the turmoil and angst
Kind of known to the soldiers and knights
Thou farther away from oneself

Having met many people who have inspired me, I learned some basic tenets of life. Some of them were conflicting each other, but eventually led me to be a person, I am now. I am aware of the fact that I have just started on this long journey and that there will be many more occasions to write/ edit this post again but today I am again at that point of my life where I do feel blessed and find myself capable of understanding others and more importantly myself.
I know that life is a pas-de-deux but I also understand, that one not be near always to enjoy this. Life can be a blend of separation and rejoice, and one need to enjoy every aspect of both. I know that one cannot wait and watch for things to take shape but at the same time one need to be assured that it would not be a bumpy ride always. It has to be a combination of both, and if it is not, then you not living life to fullest. To enjoy this dance of life, one needs to be aggressive in choosing the option and keep marching ahead without much pondering the past and fearing from future.
For one to gain mastery over the senses, virtues of self restraint, self confidence and foresight is enough and to achieve this, one has to make bold moves and stick to it. Rome was not built in a day, Similarly you would also not gain everything in a blink of an eye.. but Rome did by continuous endeavor, and so would you ..Just be on the right track, may be you see it only after going through couple of wrong ones..but be virtuous enough to chose it when you get one.

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