Friday, April 17, 2009

Saving, Spending and Conserving - An Indian Perspective

To be an Indian and that too from the Marwadi Jain family who has settled in the state of Gujarat is a lethal combination as far as economics go. A person of such an origin can so easily understand and manipulate the financial complexities of any system.

I don't claim that a Ramnik bhai from Gujarat with baniya blood running in his veins will be like a financial superhero or will never be saddened by the economic slowdown, but I do say that the probability of him falling in the clutches of this epidemic will be lesser than any average man. He understands the micro rules of this game with so ease that he does not have to many a times think about what he is playing.
To cite a few examples ( will try to use financial jargons as much as possible), consider these:
-> A stock market does not work only on the chain or ripple effect, technicals and fundamentals of any scrip plays a very important role in it , but he who studies the trend at a microscopic level, gains in short term, despite the fact that a long term investment always pays at the cost of losing liquidity.

-> Ramnik bhai understands that a portion of money needs to be invested in high P/E stocks but a share of money needs to be dynamic, it needs to circulate to earn confidence, happiness and keep going.

-> He understands that times change and that inflation always play a major role in any economy and hence a investment done in present may not sound equally attractive down the line and hence should take a call accordingly.

-> He always believes that the expenditures needs to follow a priority table ascendingly and the ones which are less important need not be made in order to save the money for future.

-> He also understands that a spending economy, till the time it runs glitters but may come to a halt. On the other hand a saving economy does not reap fruit for the generation that sow it, but for the forthcoming ones, Hence he makes a judicious share in both the diverse forms to enjoy as well as to secure himself. I will say he conserves his material gains in a very similar manner as one does with non renewable energy forms.

-> Life isn't about only saving money , one needs to spend it in order to earn it. Its like the universal law of energy. Money is never created nor destroyed, it only transfers from one person to another. It always flows to make a complete circle and the one who is at right place at right time gains from this form of kinetic money.

-> He feels restless when he owes and feels relaxed when he lends.

I would hence say that he very much knows what he has got, always checks his ground and is very much a social person who believes that to stay in the game and that too nicely, he needs to be aware , diligent and insomniac.

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